Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Apple Press

The St Andrews Orchard Group have obtained an electric fruit shredder and a large apple press. These were paid for by a grant from the St Andrews Common Good Fund and are available to anyone who lives in St Andrews. The trugs of apples in the picture were crushed and juiced in half an hour and produced 60 litres of juice.

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Second planting in St Andrews Commonwealth Orchard

Fortyeight fruit trees were planted in March 2011 to complete the St Andrews branch of the Commonwealth Orchard. We had pupil and teacher volunteers from Canongate, Greyfriars, Madras additional support and Madras Eco club. We also had some community councillors and members of the public helping. The day was dreich but, all of the trees were planted.

Friday, 25 March 2011

Fruit Tree Planting Wednesday 30th March


As part of Madras' Eco day we are planning to plant 50 more fruit trees in Stanks Park (behind Mac's papershop on Lamond Drive). We will meet at 1pm in the park and please bring a spade if possible.

If you require any further details pease contact me.

Sunday, 27 February 2011

Spring tree planting on Wednesday 30 March 2011

We have 50 mixed fruit trees and plan to plant them on Wednesday 30 March. The trees will be planted in Stanks Park, alonside the 28 trees planted last spring and the planting will be organised with Madras college as part of their efforts to secure a second Green Flag. I will post more details closer to the date.

Henry Paul